New Beginnings 2015

New Beginnings 2015New Beginnings was a hit, we decorated with helium balloons down the center isle of chairs, hung up old maps and suitcases and a globe. We had the girls share personal testimonies of why they love Young Women’s and we had the parents of the new incoming beehives introduced their daughters with items that would represent them.

Perfect THANKSGIVING FHE Lesson for the iPad

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I just had to share this (FREE for a limited time) amazing Thanksgiving Lesson that would be fun for kids young and old.Thank you, America Cover PageLink for iPad lesson here:

It’s just perfect for your next Family Home Evening Lesson, your kids will love it from the first 2 pages…Thank You AMERICA page 1 Thank You AMERICA page 2

… they will love learning about how Sarah Hales is like a super hero and everyone likes name that tune…Thank You AMERICA page 7

…find out what famous song Sarah Hales wrote. There are many fun worksheets also from something simple like this thankful turkey color page…Thank You AMERICA page 33

…to how to write a letter…Thank You AMERICA page 31

how a timeline works, write your own lyrics to a song and build your own comic strip…Thank You AMERICA page 28

There is so much information to work with. Teach your children, grandchildren, students and just maybe YOU will learn a thing or two about how we ALL can be a super heroes!

Check out more amazing lessons like this, many are free NOW!

Red Ribbon Week – Say NO to drugs!

Red Ribbon Week blank Red Ribbon Week - Say NO to drugs!

At our school this next week we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week, which helps the kids realize the importance of saying “NO” to drugs. This next week will be fun for the kids too because they will get to dress up in some silly outfits or costumes. We will have a small treat and a ticket for the kids who dress up or wear their red wristband each day during lunch time. The tickets will be for the drawing we have on Friday, our local businesses have donated fun gifts. To start the week off right, Monday morning we will take each class out side and have them pledge not to do drugs by tracing their hand with chalk and signing their name by it (easy clean up…RAIN). We also have a door decorating contest and prizes for each grade with the best decorated door.

Below is a copy of the RED RIBBON WEEK page to go home (2 to a page) I have left the top blank to add your school name and the date area below is left open as well, this is so you can fill it in with your own information.WE OBVIOUSLY PRINTED IT ON RED PAPER. This makes it easy to print at home and take to the school to print.


Red Ribbon Week blank PDF

2 Week Meal Planning-Good Works #2 Personal Progress

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We planned a mother/daughter night and taught how to prepare a few meals, we had dinner and updated our personal progress online.  The girls and their mothers then sat down and planned out the next two weeks worth of meals either from (which is my mom’s cookbook) or personal recipes they have at home. Below is the pdf version of the handout.

Good Works Value 2 Worksheet (2 weeks meal plan)

Amazing Race-Youth Activity

Amazing Race imagePerfect Youth Activity! After splitting them up into 4 groups they used paint to mark their face with so we knew which team they belonged to.   We had… Team #1 GREENIMG_0650 Team #2 REDIMG_0647 Team #3 BLUEIMG_0649 and Team #4 RED IMG_0648 (tole paint works great)  We started each group at a different activity. There were a total of 6 different activities  located throughout the church building, place a flag at each activity location. At any given time there were 2 or more locations not in use. On the way to each activity they will be doing different things from skipping to walking backwards. Each card has it listed and an image to help them out. See below to download pdf of images for personal use. IMG_0645IMG_06511. Balance: While balancing a golfball on a spoon in your mouth each member must complete the relay race to move on. We made a little path with chairs in the primary room, in a few spots they had to step over a chair or something in their way, if they dropped the ball they had to go to the beginning and start again.  We also had them complete it one at a time. IMG_06412. Detour: Eat a Jalapeño or make butter. Directions to making butter: you will need a total of 4 pint size canning jar and  4 cups of heavy whipping cream, pour jar half full, 1 cup each, then place lid and ring on jar and start shaking! Don’t get discouraged, it may take a little while but you will be surprised when all the sudden you have butter! If you decide to eat it, don’t forget to pour off the butter milk and make sure to add a hint of table salt, it will be quite soft.           IMG_06403. Road Block: Choose only one player to complete this task.Hint: must like to eat! With out looking on the bottom the player needs to eat the items first and once all the cups with a smiley face on it are found they can proceed to their next activity. We had 4 small round tables one for each group and placed about 15 cups on each table, prior to putting the cups down put e random smiley faces on the bottom of different cups. Fill only the bottom of each cup with different items like apple juice, M&M’s, nuts, gold fish, oreo, etc. IMG_06464. Memorize: As a group choose one paragraph from “The Proclamation to the Family”, memorize it while in the Young Women’s Room and recite it in the Relief Society Room. IMG_06445. Match: Correctly match the 12 Apostle’s pictures with their corresponding names. You may want to find a fun app for this and have a few iPad’s or phones in case 2 teams are in there at the same time IMG_06426. Pittstop: Congratulations, you have completed all of your challenges, make your way to the overflow area where your host awaits. The first team to check in Wins! Amazing Race Pittstop Mat Amazing Race Envelope Cover Amazing Race Flags Amazing Race Route Information Cards

Warrior Challenge-Youth Conference

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The Warrior Challenge was a ward youth conference that took place in a day. We hiked the kids back to a remote area, only accessible by foot. It was a 1.5 mile hike to the destination. We began the hike with a challenge of silence.


They hiked the first 1/2 hour in silence until the first break (three breaks), they each picked up a rock and added it to their packs or pockets and youth were pre assigned to lead a discussion about the scriptures they were pre-assigned to read (Alma        ). When we reached the destination we discussed how the anti-nephi-lehi’s buried their weapons of war. We related this to burying their personal mistakes or sins, they took sharpies and wrote that sin or sin of omissions on their three rocks they gathered, dug a large hole with pack shovels, and buried their personal weapons of war.

We then ate lunches the kids had packed from home and relaxed and played so they would be ready for their next challenges.
1. Build and Fortify the Fort:  They built and fortified a fort together. Used fallen timber, felled dead trees, and used ALOT of team work to build a fort, they raised a flag they decorated, then shared their ideas of how this relates to our life today.IMG_1171
2.  Teancum’s Challenge:  While the youth worked on the fort, some leaders worked to create an obstacle course. Naturally, crossing a wall and throwing a spear into a target was part of the course. The kids ran it in as a race and we timed them for fun. They did it over and over again, tried to beat the leaders and won, then tried to see who was the best Teancum. As their leader, I was exhausted, it was a fun course, I was amazed at how much they loved it, and I am consistently amazed at their energy.
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3. We took a break as the Bishop challenged them to spread out across the meadows and read their scriptures and write their impressions down. They had 20 minutes of personal, quiet study, we gathered together at the end of this and invited them to share anything they had learned. Several shared how they received personal answers to concerns or challenges they were facing at that time. It was a very intimate moment of sharing.
4. Battle of Antipus: Steal the Flag warrior style. Jumping streams, climbing fences, dodging cow patties, rocks and mud. A blast, played over and over again.
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We hiked out to “base camp” where several good leaders were waiting with a warrior buffet. Turkey legs (man style) and much more.
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The warrior code was shared, they signed the code (to be framed and hung outside Bishop’s office as a reminder of their commitments), received their warrior cuff,
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and prepped for the final celebration of learning the HAKA.
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Loving Every Person

I need to reread this book, its a good one!

The Blog of Jan Graf

One of my favorite and highly recommended books, Return from Tomorrow, written by a man for whom I have a great deal of respect,  Dr. George Ritchie,  has one of my favorite stories on forgiveness.  I quote Dr. Ritchie from the book beginning on page 114.

“And that’s how I came to know Wild Bill Cody.  That wasn’t his real name.  His real name was seven unpronounceable syllables in Polish, but he had long drooping handlebar mustaches like pictures of the old western hero, so the American soldiers called him Wild Bill.  He was one of the inmates of the concentration camp, but obviously he hadn’t been there long. His posture was erect, his eyes bright, his energy indefatigable.  Since he was fluent in English, French, German, and Russian, as well as Polish, he became a kind of unofficial camp translator.”

“We came to him with all sorts of…

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Two Magic Words

I remember this song!

The Blog of Jan Graf

There are two little magic words that will open any door with ease.   The first little word is Thanks and the other little word is Please.

You’d be so surprised what those two little words can do.   They work like a charm for me and they’ll work like a charm for you.

When you want the butter, say “Please pass the butter.”   Manners are never out of style.

When you get the butter, say “Thank you for the butter” and say it with a great big happy smile.

There are two little magic words that will open any door with ease.         The first little word is THANKS and the other little word is PLEASE.

These are the words of a child’s song that we taught our children as they were growing up.  These words aren’t just children’s words but are words used by everyone that is…

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